Sunday, November 15, 2009

Evaluation Phase!

Evaluation phase measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the instruction. It should occur throughout the entire instuctional design process-within phases, between phases and after implementation.

The evaluation phase consists of two parts:
1) Formative- is the continous feedback given for improvement(no grading is involved)
2) Summative- assess the total overall effectiveness of the instruction(grading will be involved)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

ADDIE-Development and implementation Phase

Development Phase:

The development phase is where the developers create and assemble the content assets that were created in design phase. Programmers work to develop and/or intergrate technologies. Testers perform debugging procedures. The project is reviewed and revised according to any feedback given.

1) Storyboard

2) Production of content(layout,graphics,images,animation,voice recording,editing etc)

Implementation phase:

During implementation phase, a procedure for training the facilitators and the learners is developed. Eg:
1) course curriculum,
2)learning outcomes
3)methods of delivery and testing procedures
4)ensure learning application or website is functional
5)establish the timetable for the course

Blog 4-SCORM and AICC!

What is SCROM?

SCORM stands for 'Sharable Content Object Reference Model'. It is a specification for e-learning content that is independent of any given Learning Management System(LMS) . It is a widely recognised standard for e-learning used all over the world by many educational institutions.

What are the main advantages?

1.) Most LMS support SCORM, so SCORM courses will work on most LMSs.
2.) Course content is turned into a collection of 'learning objects' that can be used to multiple courses.
3.) Courses can be assessed over the web which means student can participate in them 24/7.
4.)SCORM; courses interact with the LSM,so that the students performance can be tracked,completion, scores can be recorded and reported upon.
5.) You can modify courses as reqirements change.

What is AICC?

AICC stands for Aviation Industry CBT(computer-based learning) Committee which is an international association of technology-based training professionals that develops training guidelines for the aviation industry. AICC standards apply to the development,delivery and evalution of training courses that are delivered via technology.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Are there any disadvantages to Kirkpatrick’s model?


1.) Student's reaction- Do not measure what was learnt or how is it applied.
2.) Learning results- Do not access enjoyment levels and does not indicate how learning will be applied.
3.) Behaviour- Requires more sophisticated measurments can be expensive. Successful behaviour change can relay on additional factors to the learning experience, such as supportive culture and strong individual self-confidence, which are diffcult to measure.
4.) Results- Can be very diffcult to prove organisation results as many variables can contribute
to the achievement of performance objectives.

The Design Phase!

The Design Phase!

1.) Learning outcome?
{ the end of the session, you should be able to
1.) define immunology
2.) list the major organs of the immune system}
3.) What are the contents?
4.) How should the contents be organized?
5.) How should the ideas be presented to the learners?
6.) What type of activities and exercises will best help learners?
7.) Was my lesson effective and how would I measure them?
8.) Media selection?
9.) Interface design?
10.) Story boards?

The Analysis Phase!

The Design Analysis Phase:
1.) Who is my audience?
2.) Do they have any existing knowledge?
3.) Desired performance?
4.)Learner's characteristics?
5.)Contents characteristics?
6.) Learning environment?
7.) Delivery options?
8.) Timeline?

My answers for my Analysis Phase:
1.) My elearning mates(age:17 to 22)

2.) Some might have
3.) Able to understand the learning outcomes
4.) Not very interested in boring talks
5.) Contents are science based
6.) It lab-cold and quite
7.) Prsentation-powerpoint slides,QnA,mindmap

8.) A couple of minutes

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Drawbacks of E-learning

Here are some drawbacks of elearning:

1.) Students have less time to communicate with the teacher/lecturer (less personalised)

2.) They are not given chance to clarify concepts (no two-way feedback), email,online,consultation(webcam,msn)

3.) What if I/students want to know more?

4.) Is technology available at students end?

5.) Is internet access easily available

6.) Are the students IT equipped?(do they know how to use the net eg.3rd world countries)

7.) Cost of development-is the investment worthwhile?

8.) Does the teacher(subject matter expert) possess the skills?

9.) Readiness of students?

10.) Avalibility of internet connections, PCs?

My own definition of E-learning!

To me, elearning is self-learning with the help of internet.

3 definitions of e-learning

What is e-learning?
The 3 definitions of e-learning are:

1.)it seems to be used for web-based and distance education, which may also involve face-to-face interaction

Common Characteristics(1): web-based

2.)it may include all types of technology- enhanced learning(TEL), where technology is used to support the learning process

Common Characteristics(2): TEL

3.)it is often used interchangeably with various other related terms, such as distance learning, distributed learning and electronic learning

Common Characteristics(3): electronic learning, distance learning, distributed learning.

Monday, October 26, 2009